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Mapping food system drivers of the double burden of malnutrition using community-based system dynamics: a case study in Peru

Quinteros-Reyes, C., Seferidi, P., Guzman-Abello, L. et al. Mapping food system drivers of the double burden of malnutrition using community-based system dynamics: a case study in Peru. BMC Global Public Health 2, 15 (2024).

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How the Senior Community Service Employment Program Influences Participant Well-Being: A Participatory Research Approach With Program Recommendations

Halvorsen, C. J., Werner, K., McColloch, E., & Yulikova, O. (2023). How the Senior Community Service Employment Program Influences Participant Well-Being: A Participatory Research Approach With Program Recommendations. Research on Aging, 45(1), 77–91.

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Making the invisible visible: Using a qualitative system dynamics model to map disparities in cumulative environmental stressors and children’s neurodevelopment

Payne-Sturges, DP.; Ballard, E.; Cory-Slechta, DA.; Thomas, SB.; Hovmand, PS. (2023)
Making the invisible visible: Using a qualitative system dynamics model to map disparities in cumulative environmental stressors and children’s neurodevelopment. Environmental Research, 221.

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Boundary objects in translation: the role of language in participatory system dynamics modeling

Ballard, E., Werner, K. and Priyadarshini, P. (2021), Boundary objects in translation: the role of language in participatory system dynamics modeling. Syst. Dyn. Rev., 37: 310-332.

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Application of systems dynamics and group model building to identify barriers and facilitators to acute care delivery in a resource limited setting

Muttalib, F., Ballard, E., Langton, J. et al. Application of systems dynamics and group model building to identify barriers and facilitators to acute care delivery in a resource limited setting. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 26 (2021).

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Defining and Intervening on Cumulative Environmental Neurodevelopmental Risks: Introducing a Complex Systems Approach

Payne-Sturges, D. C., Cory-Slechta, D. A., Puett, R. C., Thomas, S. B., Hammond, R., & Hovmand, P. S. (2021). Defining and Intervening on Cumulative Environmental Neurodevelopmental Risks: Introducing a Complex Systems Approach. Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(3), 035001.
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Community‐Based System Dynamics for Mobilizing Communities to Advance School Health

Ballard, E., Farrell, A., & Long, M. (2020). Community‐Based System Dynamics for Mobilizing Communities to Advance School Health. Journal of School Health, 90(12), 964–975.
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Promoting knowledge to policy translation for urban health using community-based system dynamics in Brazil

Morais, L.M.O., Kuhlberg, J., Ballard, E. et al. Promoting knowledge to policy translation for urban health using community-based system dynamics in Brazil. Health Res Policy Sys 19, 53 (2021).

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Developing a Socioculturally Nuanced Systems Model of Childhood Obesity in Manhattan’s Chinese American Community via Group Model Building

Swierad, E., Huang, T. T.-K., Ballard, E., Flórez, K., & Li, S. (2020). Developing a Socioculturally Nuanced Systems Model of Childhood Obesity in Manhattan’s Chinese American Community via Group Model Building. Journal of Obesity, 2020, 4819143.


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Using Community-Based System Dynamics to increase inclusive education in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Mozaffari A, Safi M, Wahidi H, et. al (2020). Using Community Based System Dynamics to increase inclusive education in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Enabling Education Review, Issue 8.,

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Using community-based system dynamics modeling to understand the complex systems that influence health in cities: The SALURBAL study

Langellier, B.A.; Kuhlberg, J.A.; Ballard, E.. Slesinski, C.; Stankov, I.; Gouveia, N.; Meiesel, J.D.; Kroker-Lobos, M.F.; Sarmiento, O.L.; Teixeira, W.; & Diez Rous, A.V. (2019). Using community based system dynamics modeling to understand the complex factors that influence health in cities: The SALURBAL study. Health and Place,  60.

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Scaling Up Housing Services Within the Child Welfare System: Policy Insights From Simulation Modeling

Patrick J Fowler, Katherine E Marcal, Saras Chung, Derek S Brown, Melissa Jonson-Reid, Peter S Hovmand. (2019). Scaling up housing services within the child welfare system: Policy insights from simulation modeling. Child Maltreatment, 1-10. 

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Capability Traps Impeding Homeless Services: A Community-Based System Dynamics Evaluation

Patrick J. Fowler, Kenneth Wright, Katherine E. Marcal, Ellis Ballard & Peter S. Hovmand (2019) Capability Traps Impeding Homeless Services: A Community- Based System Dynamics Evaluation, Journal of Social Service Research, 45:3, 348-359, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1480560

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A systematic review of system dynamics and agent-based obesity models: Evaluating obesity as part of the global syndemic.

Morshed, A.B.; Kasman, M; Heuberger, B.; Hammond, R.A.; & Hovmand, P.S. 2019. A systematic review of system dynamics and agent-based obesity models: Evaluating obesity as part of the global syndemic. Obesity Reviews, 2019. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12877

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Leverage points to improve smoking cessation treatment in a large tertiary care hospital: a systems-based mixed methods study

Ramsey, A.T.; Prentice, D.; Ballard, E.; Chen, L.; & Beirut, L.J. 2019. Leverage points to improve smoking cessation treatment in a large tertiary care hospital: a systems-based mixed methods study. BMJ Open, 9(7). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030066 

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A community-based system dynamics approach suggests solutions for improving healthy food access in a low-income urban environment

Mui Y, Ballard E, Lopatin E, Thornton RLJ, Pollack Porter K, Gittelsohn J. (2019) A community-based system dynamics approach suggests solutions for improving healthy food access in a low-income urban environment. PLOS ONE 14(5): e0216985.

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Best fitting-prediction equations for basal metabolic rate: informing obesity interventions in diverse populations

Sabounchi, N.S. & Rahmandad, H. (2013). Best fitting-prediction equations for basal metabolic rate: informing obesity interventions in diverse populations. International Journal of Obesity, 37(10):1364-70. doi:10.1038/ijo.2012.218

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Applying systems science to evaluate a community – based social marketing innovation: A case study

Biroscak, B. J., Schneider, T., Panzera, A. D., Bryant, C. A., McDermott, R. J., Mayer, A. B., . . . Hovmand, P. S. (2014). Applying systems science to evaluate a community – based social marketing innovation: A case study. Social Marketing Quarterly, 20(4), 247-267. 10.1177/1524500414556649

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The “Long Tail” and Public Health: New Thinking for Addressing Health Disparities

Kreuter, M.W.; Hovmand, P.S.; Pfeiffer, D.J.; Fairchild, M.; Rath, S.; Golla, B.; & Casey, C. 2014. The “Long Tail” and Public Health: New Thinking for Addressing Health Disparities. American Journal of Public Health, 104(12). doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302039

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Outcomes for implementation research: conceptual distinctions, measurement challenges, and research agenda

Proctor E, Silmere H, Raghavan R, Hovmand P, Aarons G, Bunger A, Griffey R, Hensley M. (2011). Outcomes for implementation research: conceptual distinctions, measurement challenges, and research agenda. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(2). 

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A Novel System Dynamics Model of Female Obesity and Fertility

Nasim S. Sabounchi, Peter S. Hovmand, Nathaniel D.Osgood, Roland F. Dyck, Emily S. Jungheim, “A Novel System Dynamics Model of Female Obesity and Fertility”, American Journal of Public Health 104, no. 7 (July 1, 2014): pp. 1240-1246. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.301898

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Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice and Organizational Performance

Hovmand, P.S. & Gillespie, D.F. (2010). Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice and Organizational Performance. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 37(1).

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Housing and child welfare: Emerging evidence and implications for scaling up services

Fowler, P.J., Farrell, A.F., Marcal, K.E., Chung, S., & Hovmand, P.S. (2017). Housing and child welfare: Emerging evidence and implications for scaling up services. American Journal of Community Psychology, 60(1-2), 134-144.

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Boundary objects for participatory group model building of agent-based models

Rose, J., Homa, L., Hovmand, P., Kraus, A., Burgess, K., Biswas, A., . . . Stange, K. C. (2015). Boundary objects for participatory group model building of agent-based models. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, , 2015-March 2950-2959. 10.1109/HICSS.2015.357

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Transfusion Decision Making in Pediatric Critical Illness

Markham, C.; Small, S.; Hovmand, P.S.; & Doctor, A. (2017). Transfusion Decision Making in Pediatric Critical Illness. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 64(5). doi:  10.1016/j.pcl.2017.06.003

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First eight years: a case study of starting a social system design lab

Hovmand, P.S. (2017). First eight years: a case study of starting a social system design lab. System Dynamics Review, 33.

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Victims arrested for domestic violence: unintended consequences of arrest policies

Hovmand, P. S., Ford, D. N., Flom, I. and Kyriakakis, S. (2009), Victims arrested for domestic violence: unintended consequences of arrest policies. Syst. Dyn. Rev., 25: 161-181. doi:10.1002/sdr.418

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Group model building “scripts” as a collaborative tool

Hovmand, P. S., Andersen, D. F., Rouwette, E., Richardson, G. P., Rux, K., & Calhoun, A. (2012). Group model building “scripts” as a collaborative tool. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29, 179-193.

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Community based system dynamics as an approach for understanding and acting on messy problems: A case study for global mental health intervention in Afghanistan

Trani, J.-F., Ballard, E., Bakhshi, P., & Hovmand, P. (2016). Community based system dynamic as an approach for understanding and acting on messy problems: A case study for global mental health intervention in Afghanistan. Conflict and Health, 10, 25.

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Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective: Insights for Prevention Responses

Fowler, P.J.; Hovmand, P.S.; Marcal, K.E.; Das, S. (2019). Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective: Insights for Prevention Responses. Annual Review of Public Health, 40.

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Learning to track systems change using causal loop diagrams

Brown, A.; Millar, L.; Hovmand, P.S.; Kuhlberg, J.; Love, P.; Nagorcka-Smith, P.; Odenthal, M.; Owen, B.; Whelan, J.; Allender, S. (2019). Learning to track systems change using causal loop diagrams. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 13(1).

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Combining Community-Engaged Research with Group Model Building to Address Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Mortality and Treatment

Williams F, Colditz GA, Hovmand P, Gehlert S. (2018). Combining Community-Engaged Research with Group Model Building to Address Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Mortality and Treatment. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 11(1). 

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Scaling-up impact in perinatology through systems science: Bridging the collaboration and translational divides in cross- disciplinary research and public policy

Munar, W., Hovmand, P. S., Fleming, C., & Darmstadt G.L. (2015). Scaling-up impact in perinatology through systems science: Bridging the collaboration and translational divides in cross- disciplinary research and public policy. Seminars in Perinatology, 39 (3), 416-423.

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Systems thinking in 49 communities related to healthy eating, active living, and childhood obesity.

Brennan, L.K., Sabounchi, N.S., Kemner, A.L., & Hovmand, P. (2015). Systems thinking in 49 communities related to healthy eating, active living, and childhood obesity. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : JPHMP, 21, S55-S69.

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A participatory model of the paradox of primary care

Homa, L., Rose, J., Hovmand, P.S., Cherng, S.T., Riolo, R.L., Kraus, A.,…Williams, C. (2015). A participatory model of the paradox of primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, 13(5), 456-465.

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Conceptualizing productive engagement in a system dynamics framework

Morrow-Howell, N., Halvorsen, C.J., Hovmand, P., Lee, C., Ballard, E. (2017). Conceptualizing productive engagement in a system dynamics framework. Innovation in Aging, 1(1).

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Simulation modeling for primary care planning in Singapore

Matchar, D.B., Ansah, J.P., Bayer, S., & Hovmand, P. (2017). Simulation modeling for primary care planning in Singapore. Paper presented at the Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2123-2134.

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Strengthening child inclusion in the classroom in rural schools of Pakistan and Afghanistan: What did we learn by testing the system dynamics protocol for community engagement?

Jean-François Trani, Parul Bakhshi, Alan Mozaffari, Munib Sohail, Hashim Rawab, Ian Kaplan, Ellis Ballard, Peter Hovmand. (2019). Strengthening child inclusion in the classroom in rural schools of Pakistan and Afghanistan: What did we learn by testing the system dynamics protocol for community engagement? Research in Comparative and International Education, 14(1).

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The global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change: The Lancet Commission report

Boyd A Swinburn, Vivica I Kraak, Steven Allender, Vincent J Atkins, Phillip I Baker, Jessica R Bogard, Hannah Brinsden, Alejandro Calvillo, Olivier De Schutter, Raji Devarajan, Majid Ezzati, Sharon Friel, Shifalika Goenka, Ross A Hammond, Gerard Hastings, Corinna Hawkes, Mario Herrero, Peter S Hovmand, Mark Howden, Lindsay M Jaacks, Ariadne B Kapetanaki, Matt Kasman, Harriet V Kuhnlein, Shiriki K Kumanyika, Bagher Larijani, Tim Lobstein, Michael W Long, Victor KR Matsudo, Susanna DH Mills, Gareth Morgan, Alexandra Morshed, Patricia M Nece, An Pan, David W Patterson, Gary Sacks, Meera Shekar, Geoff L Simmons, Warren Smit, Ali Tootee, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Wilma E Waterlander, Luke Wolfenden, William H Dietz. (2019). The Lancet.

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Using system dynamics modeling to evaluate a community-based social marketing framework: A computer simulation study

Brian Joseph Biroscak, Carol Bryant, Mahmooda Khaliq, Tali Schneider, Anthony Dominic Panzera, Anita Courtney, Claudia Parvanta, Peter Hovmand. (2019). Using system dynamics modeling to evaluate a community-based social marketing framework: A computer simulation study. Journal of Social Marketing, 9(1).