RaJae' Johnson
SSDL Intern
RaJae’ Johnson is a rising senior at Jennings High School and an intern at the Social System Design Lab at the Brown School at Washington University in Saint Louis. As an intern, he works to learn about and master systems thinking and system dynamics activities, develop and maintain relationships, and plan this year’s summit on gun violence. After high school, RaJae’ is hoping to pursue higher education, and he plans to major in physical education with an emphasis on therapy. At Jennings, he has had the chance to participate in the varsity football, basketball, and baseball teams. He also was involved in student council and the Men On Business (M.O.B) group, through which he sought the opportunity to serve others, change the atmosphere of the school, and unify the school and community. RaJae’ is very passionate in learning how to coach and trying to find ways to keep kids safe both on and off of the court, and he does so by teaching them to use positivity in life. RaJae’ enjoys traveling, playing sports, working out, and spending time with family and friends.